Some great ideas on how to utilize those lovely eggshells.  First I put the eggshells on an old baking sheet and put them in the oven or on top of the wood stove to bake until they are nice and crunchy and the bacteria is destroyed.  Then I use a rolling pin to crush the shells.  Do not not use your bare hands to crush the shells as they will be sharp.  You can then store in old coffee tins or zip lock bags in the fridge or better yet, in the freezer.

Using eggshells as a source of dietary calcium may lead to food poisoning due to salmonella or other bacterial contamination. Calcium content may vary from eggshell to eggshell and from batch to batch, depending on the method used to extract it. Bringing the eggshells to at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit as measured with a food thermometer for at least 3 1/2 minutes, a process known as pasteurization, kills most bacteria, according to the American Egg Board. A rolling boil, at 212 degrees, falls well above the 160 degrees recommended by the USDA Food Inspection and Safety Service for safe egg consumption.

Use as a seed pot.  Crack the shells open, rinse them, place them back in the egg carton, and fill the half shell with dirt.  Then plant your seeds.  When it is time to transplant into the garden, plant the whole thing {just gently crush the sides and bottom of the shell}–you won’t disturb the root system of your delicate seedling and the shell will easily compost.  This is especially beneficial for your young tomato plants.  The grandkids love to plant nasturium seeds in each half shell, then put them on a bed of moss.  Very charming for your fairy garden.

  1. Make your own houseplant fertilizer.  Allow eggshells to soak in water for 3-4 days, then use it to water your plants.
  2. Add boiled eggshells to coffee grounds before brewing to decrease the bitterness.  Make sure to used boiled or baked eggshells only to reduce the presence of bacteria. 1 tsp. contains approximately 800-1,000 mg. of calcium. Consume by mixing in a small amount of water with a meal. Consume 3/4 to 1 tsp daily, divided in 3 servings with meals. Don’t consumer more than 1 tsp a day as it can irritate sensitive digestive tracks.  I put 1 tsp in my drip coffee pot each morning.  The shells dissolve into the coffee and the spent coffee filter goes in the compost. 
  3. Boost the calcium in your tomato plants.  Just place crushed eggshells in the hole when transplanting tomatoes–the extra calcium in the shells can help to prevent blossom-end rot.
  4. Deter slugs by sprinkling crushed eggshells around your plants.  They won’t slime their way across them so it creates a barrier between them and the plant.
  5. Compost them.
  6. Clean stained tea pots.  Put crushed eggshells, a little dishsoap, and water  into a teapot.  Swish it around and allow them to sit overnight.  In the morning, dump the mixture, and you should have a clean teapot.  Then, rinse the teapot out in the sink and.....
  7. Clean your garbage disposal and pipes.  Run eggs shells through the garbage disposal and down through your pipes.  They act as fiber for your pipes, scraping the sides, and removing deposits as they travel.
  8. Feed them to Fido.  Eggshells make a great calcium supplement for dogs.  Bake eggshells at 205 degrees for 30 minutes to destroy bacteria, then pulverize them and add them to the dog food.
  9. Give the crushed shells to right back to your chickens.  Make sure they are from eggs that have been hard boiled and rinsed to avoid introducing bacteria to the birds.  I mix the crushed egg shells in with the kitchen scrapes.  The wild birds appreciate the free choice baked, crushed shells in the spring in their feeders.